Upcoming Events

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Unveiling the Denver collection 2023

Thursday September 28th

The Portal collection

website update at 10 am

Live sale at 5pm

Friday September 29th


website update at 10am

Live sale at 5pm

Saturday September 30


Review @ 11am 

Looking forward to seeing you all in person or a live sale

In Person shows 2023

Rough to Ready @ the DaVinci centre Victoria BC

October 21, 22nd

Intuitive arts festival @ the Davinci centre Victoria BC

November 4th and 5th



Live Sale policies

To join a live sale simply click on the pink circled Stone Haven Gems logo at the top of your screen on Instagram

Prices are in Canadian dollars

To claim any item, type the item code in the comments once shown

Please claim responsibly. No trades or putbacks

The first claim seen on my screen gets the item. You will often see your own claim first

You will be sent a link to a personalized listing on our website for your claims.

Payment is due with 24 hrs.

We ship within 24-48 hours unless you request an open box.

Boxes can be open for a maximum of 90 days

Shipping is calculated at checkout.

Tips for live sale success:

Make sure your Wifi is strong and your apps are updated.

Close other apps.

Type a comment or emoji to say hello so you know we can see you.

Add an emoji to your claim. Avoid words like sold, claim and unblock.

If you are having problems its good to leave and come back and refresh your connection.

If you are seeing people claim items before the code is shown you have a "lag" which means you should refresh and come back and try all these other suggestions


Most importantly HAVE FUN!  Hope you can join us!